Ferguson's Career Guidance Center is a comprehensive career research database, providing detailed and up-to-date profiles of more than 2,050 of today's most popular jobs in more than 94 industries. This database now contains hundreds of new, in-depth job and industry descriptions; as well as a searchable archive of articles from current and past issues of Career Opportunities News, a 16-page, bi-monthly newsletter that provides timely information about colleges and the job market. Organized by industry, Ferguson's Career Guidance Center covers careers and career resources, as well as career preparation information, including scholarships, academic programs, non-academic programs, web resources, and an employability skills checklist. An extensive "Four Steps to a New Job" section provides invaluable guidance on everything from choosing a career to finding and applying for a job to learning about employment benefits and laws.
Requires a JCLC card and residence in Birmingham, AL.