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Journal Title
  Source ISSN Full-Text Coverage Dates Exceptions Embargo Access Requirements
Points of View: Emerging Economies
  Points of View Reference Center Jan 2015 - Present Requires a JCLC card.
Points of View: Eminent Domain
  Points of View Reference Center Jan 2015 - Present Requires a JCLC card.
Points of View: Endangered Species
  Points of View Reference Center Jan 2015 - Present Requires a JCLC card.
Points of View: Enemy Combatants
  Points of View Reference Center Jan 2015 - Present Requires a JCLC card.
Points of View: English as National Language
  Points of View Reference Center Jan 2015 - Present Requires a JCLC card.
Points of View: European Debt Crisis
  Points of View Reference Center Jan 2015 - Present Requires a JCLC card.
Points of View: Euthanasia
  Points of View Reference Center Jan 2015 - Present Requires a JCLC card.
Points of View: Executive Pay
  Points of View Reference Center Jan 2015 - Present Requires a JCLC card.
Points of View: Experimental Vaccine for Ebola Virus
  Points of View Reference Center Jan 2015 - Present Requires a JCLC card.
Points of View: Factory Farming
  Points of View Reference Center Jan 2015 - Present Requires a JCLC card.
Points of View: Faith-Based Initiatives
  Points of View Reference Center Jan 2015 - Present Requires a JCLC card.
Points of View: Farm Subsidies
  Points of View Reference Center Jan 2015 - Present Requires a JCLC card.
Points of View: FDA Approvals & Regulations
  Points of View Reference Center Jan 2015 - Present Requires a JCLC card.
Points of View: Federal Reserve
  Points of View Reference Center Jan 2015 - Present Requires a JCLC card.
Points of View: Fees in Public Schools
  Points of View Reference Center Feb 2014 - Present Requires a JCLC card.
Points of View: Female Priests
  Points of View Reference Center Jan 2015 - Present Requires a JCLC card.
Points of View: Feminism
  Points of View Reference Center Jan 2015 - Present Requires a JCLC card.
Points of View: Flag Burning
  Points of View Reference Center Jan 2015 - Present Requires a JCLC card.
Points of View: Flood Insurance
  Points of View Reference Center Jan 2015 - Present Requires a JCLC card.
Points of View: Food Contamination
  Points of View Reference Center Jan 2015 - Present Requires a JCLC card.
Points of View: Foreign Language Graduation Requirements
  Points of View Reference Center Jan 2015 - Present Requires a JCLC card.
Points of View: Forming an Idea
  Points of View Reference Center Jun 2014 - Present Requires a JCLC card.
Points of View: Foster Children Programs
  Points of View Reference Center Jan 2015 - Present Requires a JCLC card.
Points of View: Fracking
  Points of View Reference Center Jan 2015 - Present Requires a JCLC card.
Points of View: Free College Tuition
  Points of View Reference Center Jan 2015 - Present Requires a JCLC card.
Points of View: Free Internet
  Points of View Reference Center Jan 2015 - Present Requires a JCLC card.
Points of View: Free Trade
  Points of View Reference Center Jan 2015 - Present Requires a JCLC card.
Points of View: Fuel Efficiency
  Points of View Reference Center Jan 2015 - Present Requires a JCLC card.
Points of View: Gangs
  Points of View Reference Center Jan 2015 - Present Requires a JCLC card.
Points of View: Gay & Lesbian Adoption
  Points of View Reference Center Jan 2015 - Present Requires a JCLC card.
Points of View: Gender Equality
  Points of View Reference Center Jan 2015 - Present Requires a JCLC card.
Points of View: Genetic Screening
  Points of View Reference Center Jan 2015 - Present Requires a JCLC card.
Points of View: Genetically Modified Foods
  Points of View Reference Center Jan 2015 - Present Requires a JCLC card.
Points of View: Global Warming
  Points of View Reference Center Jan 2015 - Present Requires a JCLC card.
Points of View: Globalization
  Points of View Reference Center Jan 2015 - Present Requires a JCLC card.
Points of View: Government Access to Records
  Points of View Reference Center Jan 2015 - Present Requires a JCLC card.
Points of View: Green Consumerism
  Points of View Reference Center Jan 2015 - Present Requires a JCLC card.
Points of View: Green Jobs
  Points of View Reference Center Jan 2015 - Present Requires a JCLC card.
Points of View: Greenhouse Effect
  Points of View Reference Center Jan 2015 - Present Requires a JCLC card.
Points of View: Gun Control
  Points of View Reference Center Jan 2015 - Present Requires a JCLC card.
Points of View: Gunwalking
  Points of View Reference Center Jan 2015 - Present Requires a JCLC card.
Points of View: Hacktivism
  Points of View Reference Center May 2014 - Present Requires a JCLC card.
Points of View: Haiti Relief
  Points of View Reference Center Jan 2015 - Present Requires a JCLC card.
Points of View: Health Insurance
  Points of View Reference Center Jan 2015 - Present Requires a JCLC card.
Points of View: Hidden Camera Activism
  Points of View Reference Center Jan 2015 - Present Requires a JCLC card.
Points of View: Highway Carpools
  Points of View Reference Center Jan 2015 - Present Requires a JCLC card.
Points of View: HIV/AIDS Status & Privacy
  Points of View Reference Center Jan 2015 - Present Requires a JCLC card.
Points of View: Home Schooling
  Points of View Reference Center Jan 2015 - Present Requires a JCLC card.
Points of View: Homeland Security & Civil Liberties
  Points of View Reference Center Jan 2015 - Present Requires a JCLC card.
Points of View: Homelessness
  Points of View Reference Center Jan 2015 - Present Requires a JCLC card.
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