Chinese Language Books

图书馆官网中文拼音图书单, 按DEWEY号码次序排列, 书名或作者可用拼音检索.
Chinese books listed in Dewey Decimal order in Pinyin. Title/author searches can
be done in Pinyin only. (Book Cover Photos)

用中文浏览, 外加封面显示. 新添加的书列在前面.
也可用作者,简繁体字, 或主题浏览. 可以用中文检索. 如果我们有的话, 屏幕下方会显示:
Browse in Chinese characters with book cover images. Books are listed by
order added. Also browse by authors, languages, and tags. Search in Chinese,
if we own it, this image shows on the bottom of the screen:

Jiemin Fan 樊洁民
phone: 205-226-3679