Birmingham Public Library - About the Library - Policies for Operating In-Person Servie at Central Library during COVID-19
Birmingham Public Library
Filming and Photography Policy

The Birmingham Public Library (BPL) strives to provide and maintain an environment in which patrons can use BPL’s resources, services, and programs as effectively as possible. The Photography and Videography Policy has been established to govern photography and the use of recording devices by BPL staff and the public to ensure that this activity does not interfere with the provision of library services and that personal privacy is maintained.

 Library Programs, Classes, and Marketing

BPL allows filming and/or photography at all library programs and events by staff, attendees, and the media unless otherwise stated. BPL reserves the right to utilize photos and videos from public programs and Library-related events taking place on or off library premises. These photographs and videos may be copied, displayed, published, posted, and telecast for purposes such as promotion, publicity, and news to inform the public about the library.

 Attendance at a BPL-sponsored program, class, or event constitutes the consent of all attendees, and the consent of the parents or legal guardians of any minor children in attendance, to the future broadcast, publication, or other use of photographs or videos at the sole discretion of the BPL.

To ensure the privacy of all individuals, including children, images will not be identified using personal identifying information or full names without written approval from the photographed subject or parent/guardian if a minor. Those wishing not to be photographed or recorded should inform the photographer or BPL staff.

Casual Amateur Photography

Casual amateur photography, filming, and videotaping are permitted in public areas of all BPL locations for patrons and visitors wanting a remembrance of their visit, provided that the photography does not distract, disturb, or interfere in any way with library patrons or operations, or capture any identifiable likenesses of individuals without their permission.

Any such photographers are responsible for arranging all necessary releases and permissions from persons who are filmed or photographed. BPL assumes no responsibility for obtaining these releases. Props and equipment such as additional lighting, strobes, reflectors, etc., are not permitted without prior approval from the library staff. Moving furniture and/or fixtures is not permitted. Photographers may not block aisles, walkways, stairwells, doors, or exits.

Commercial Photography and Videography

No commercial, professional, or media photography or filming may occur in BPL facilities without the prior approval of the Library Director or Deputy Director. Such approval shall contain the conditions under which the commercial/professional/media photography or filming will take place and address the rights to ownership of the photo/films. No identifying images of any BPL facility may be used for solicitation or political gain. BPL does not endorse the viewpoints of entities that may use the library for photography or filming. Fees may be associated with filming/photography.

Any such photographers are responsible for arranging all necessary releases and permissions from persons who are filmed or photographed. BPL assumes no responsibility for obtaining these releases.

Community organizations hosting scheduled programs, events, or meetings in BPL meeting rooms may arrange for photography or videotaping/recording of their event, provided that the photography or videography does not distract, disturb, or interfere in any way with library patrons or operations, or capture any identifiable likenesses of individuals without their permission. Such photography and videotaping are restricted to the space reserved by the group, and the group is responsible for any necessary releases and permission.

BPL has an open-door policy for news media photographers and reporters who are doing stories or projects that directly involve the library and its programs. Advance authorization for such photography may be obtained from the Library Director or Deputy Director at 205-226-3610.

BPL does not allow the news media to use the inside of its facilities as a backdrop for stories or projects that do not directly involve the library itself. It disallows using BPL facilities as interview venues for unrelated stories and disallows access to library patrons for opinion polls or “person on the street” interviews without authorization from the Library Director or Deputy Director.

Photography, videotaping, or use of other recording devices must not interfere with the provision of library services. Any consent granted under the Policy to permit photography or filming may be revoked at any time upon failure to comply with the terms of this Policy or other rules and regulations of BPL. Staff reserves the right to stop any filming/photography session that appears to violate this Policy or compromises public safety or security.

Adopted by the Birmingham Public Library Board on September 19, 2024

Page Last Modified: 12/31/1600 6:00 PM