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Journal Title
  Source ISSN Full-Text Coverage Dates Exceptions Embargo Access Requirements
Violence in the Media
  Opposing Viewpoints In Context Jan 2001 - Present Requires a JCLC card.
Violent Children
  Opposing Viewpoints In Context Jan 2004 - Present Requires a JCLC card.
VION N.V. SWOT Analysis
  Business Source Premier Dec 2010 - Present Requires a JCLC card.
VIP Magazine, Articles & Reports
  General OneFile Apr 2009 - Present 2013-2017 Requires a JCLC card.
  InfoTrac OneFile Apr 2009 - Present 2013-2017 Requires a JCLC card.
Virbac Corporation SWOT Analysis
  Business Source Premier Jan 2008 - Present Requires a JCLC card.
  History Reference Center Aug 2017 - Present Requires a JCLC card.
  MasterFILE Premier Aug 2017 - Present Requires a JCLC card.
  Primary Search Aug 2017 - Present Requires a JCLC card.
  Middle Search Plus Aug 2017 - Present Requires a JCLC card.
  MAS Ultra - School Edition Aug 2017 - Present Requires a JCLC card.
Virgin Atlantic Airways SWOT Analysis
  Business Source Premier Jan 2008 - Present Requires a JCLC card.
Virgin Islands
  General Reference Center Gold Jan 2007 - Jan 2007 Requires a JCLC card.
  General OneFile Jan 2007 - Jan 2007 Requires a JCLC card.
  InfoTrac OneFile Jan 2007 - Jan 2007 Requires a JCLC card.
Virgin Islands Adventure Guide
  General Reference Center Gold Jan 2001 - Jan 2001 Requires a JCLC card.
  General OneFile Jan 2001 - Jan 2001 Requires a JCLC card.
  InfoTrac OneFile Jan 2001 - Jan 2001 Requires a JCLC card.
Virgin Mobile
  Business and Company Resource Center May 2004 - May 2004 Requires a JCLC card.
  Business Insights: Essentials May 2004 - May 2004 Requires a JCLC card.
  General OneFile May 2004 - May 2004 Requires a JCLC card.
  InfoTrac OneFile May 2004 - May 2004 Requires a JCLC card.
Virginia Adventure Guide
  General Reference Center Gold Jan 1998 - Jan 1998 Requires a JCLC card.
  General OneFile Jan 1998 - Jan 1998 Requires a JCLC card.
  InfoTrac OneFile Jan 1998 - Jan 1998 Requires a JCLC card.
Virginia Apgar
  Primary Search Aug 2017 - Present Requires a JCLC card.
  Middle Search Plus Aug 2017 - Present Requires a JCLC card.
  MAS Ultra - School Edition Aug 2017 - Present Requires a JCLC card.
  History Reference Center Aug 2017 - Present Requires a JCLC card.
  MasterFILE Premier Aug 2017 - Present Requires a JCLC card.
Virginia Declaration of Rights
  History Reference Center Aug 2017 - Present Requires a JCLC card.
  MasterFILE Premier Aug 2017 - Present Requires a JCLC card.
  Academic Search Premier Aug 2017 - Present Requires a JCLC card.
  Military & Government Collection Aug 2017 - Present Requires a JCLC card.
  Primary Search Aug 2017 - Present Requires a JCLC card.
  Middle Search Plus Aug 2017 - Present Requires a JCLC card.
  MAS Ultra - School Edition Aug 2017 - Present Requires a JCLC card.
Virginia Handbook
  MAS Ultra - School Edition Jan 2001 - Jan 2008 Requires a JCLC card.
  MasterFILE Premier Jan 2001 - Jan 2008 Requires a JCLC card.
  General Reference Center Gold Jan 2005 - Jan 2005 Requires a JCLC card.
  General OneFile Jan 2005 - Jan 2005 Requires a JCLC card.
  InfoTrac OneFile Jan 2005 - Jan 2005 Requires a JCLC card.
Virginia Instructions to the Continental Congress
  Military & Government Collection Aug 2017 - Present Requires a JCLC card.
  Primary Search Aug 2017 - Present Requires a JCLC card.
  Middle Search Plus Aug 2017 - Present Requires a JCLC card.
  MAS Ultra - School Edition Aug 2017 - Present Requires a JCLC card.
  History Reference Center Aug 2017 - Present Requires a JCLC card.
  MasterFILE Premier Aug 2017 - Present Requires a JCLC card.
  Academic Search Premier Aug 2017 - Present Requires a JCLC card.
Virginia Lawyers Weekly
  General OneFile 0897-4772 Jan 1999 - Present 2001 Requires a JCLC card.
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