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Little Pim is the leading language teaching method designed just for children. The short 5-minute videos hold their focus so they can begin their language learning journey on their own. Keep kids entertained anytime, anywhere while inspiring in them a lifelong love of language learning. The videos are 100% ad-free and available to watch on any device! Your child will love following along with Little Pim, the adorable cartoon panda bear who serves as the “teacher.” Together with Little Pim (who’s voiced by native speakers in each of the 12 languages), your child can learn 360 foundation words and phrases. Hearing and repeating these words and phrases with Little Pim helps them recall, reproduce, and apply the new sounds and provides the essential building blocks for language learning. Child-friendly themes of colors, shapes, counting, and foods make it relatable. And kids love the playful panda, so their first association with language learning is fun. You must first select the desired language, choose "Explore", and then "Little Pim".


Requires a JCLC card and residence in Birmingham, AL.
Remote Access Available.


For Kids



Page Last Modified: 6/13/2024 12:09 PM