Author Registration
The annual Local Authors Expo held
at the Central Library
is expected to showcase up to 100 Alabama authors, including many from the
Birmingham area. This year's free event will be held on Saturday, February
1, between 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Authors will be on hand to discuss their
work, sell and autograph their books, and talk about their writing process.
This year's event will feature two
10:00 a.m. Young adult author Anne
Riley will discuss "How to Write While Having a Life."
1:00 p.m. A panel of authors
from See Jane Write (Javacia Harris Bowser, Stephanie Naman, and
Kathryn Lang) will talk about "How to Use Social Media to Promote
Your Book."
Authors who wish to sign up for a
booth at the event may do so online at the
EventBrite registration page. There is a $5 booth reservation fee for
participating authors, but attending the Expo is free for the general
public, no registration required. For more information, contact Jared Millet
at (205) 226-3727 or jaredm@bham.lib.al.us.
Authors Expo
February 1, 2014
9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Central Library -
1st Floor
Anne Riley, Young Adult Author
How to Write While Having a Life
February 1, 2014
10:00 a.m.
Central Library -
Arrington Auditorium
Author Panel with Javacia Harris Bowser, Stephanie Naman, and
Kathryn Lang
How to Use Social Media to Promote Your Book
February 1, 2014
1:00 p.m.
Central Library -
Arrington Auditorium
2014 Authors
@ Liberty to Speak Hearing the Word with a Spiritual Ear
Abdullah, Altheia Inside/Out
Abernathy Ed Big Bag Of Never, A Novel
Abraham, Faith McNeal On Life & Other Matters: A Collection of Poems
Adams, Electra Broken Pieces
Allen, Priscilla Parham Am I a Wife
Anderson, Daven Vampire Syndrome
Arrington, Sybil "My Choice, Which Road?"
Ashley, Elliott O. The Bully Brakers
Argersinger, Wanda The Education of Joe Willy
B. H. Parker Mark of the Corripian
Bailey, Dale Come Tomorrow
Blasingame, Scott The Warrior-Son
Bowser, Javacia Harris
Brown, Annie Who I Be
Brown, Jo Ann Fat Tuesday: A Book About Mardi Gras
Cannon, S. W. Casey Canyon
Carpenter, Douglas A Powerful Blessing
Carter, Yolonda Eternal Communicator
Cicero, Brenda Simply Bea
Combs, Michelle Lowery Heir to the Lamp
Copeland, James M. Fran Hawthorn is ...Blindsided
Davis, John B. The Fruits of His Labor
Donovan, Fiona The Pick Up
Drulman, Dorothy Norman, the Not-So-Ordinary Life of Benjamin Allen
Duff, Yakinea Marie The Strength of a Woman: Born to Turn Pain into
Ealons, Carol P. Tuxedo Junction - Right Back Where I Belong
Elliott, Liza 30-A Supper Club
Felder, Alberta We've Come This Far By Faith
Ferguson, Shirley Roland Birth Cry
Fortner, Nate He Didn't Throw the Clay Away
Gates, Andrea Lynn The Intentional Life: Living the Life You Were Born
To Live
Gierhart, Steve Shadow of the Conjurer
Gilbert, Clay Annah
Glenn, Judith A. Don't Cry For Me
Green, Sybil Matters of the Heart
Gomez, Sandra M. Victoria
Harris, Eric D. Nothing Just Happens
Hart, Mark Fielder's Choice
Hayden, David The Maker's Brush
Henry, Jane Newton Images of America: Leeds
Howard, Moses The Howard Chronicles
Hughes, Tina Walking In Your Season
Isom, Chervis The Newspaper Boy
Jack, James A. Flight of the Northern Star
King, Greta Waiting for Santa
Kirchikov, Peter Walnuts On My Bookshelf: Memories of Living In
Communist Russia
Knox, Barry Mission Origin View
Landers, Joseph Intravenous
Lang, Kathryn C.
Levine, Maury Shopping Bagged
Lewis, Jacquelin A Poetic Vie on Living a Godly Life
Lucas, Creola G. For Ever Clear
Owens, Jack Watchman JFK's Last Ride
McKinstry, Carolyn
Moore, Alison S. ...and you win some
Murphy, Mary Recovery Steps from Abuse
Naman, Stephanie
Nash, Barbara A Woman's Walk With Christ
Pittman, Myrna J. How to Lead in the Workplace with Godly Principles
Posey, Marona The Thirsty Hills
Richardson, Kimberly The Official Federal Grants Prep Guide
Riley, Anne
Rutledge, Myra Souls Harbor
Seymour, Ingrid Girls Are Players
Sharp, C.
Sharp, Joselyn
Shealey, Toni Lost and Turned Out, My Testimony
Shelnutt, Beth A Life Between Light and Darkness
Simmons, Dr. Akeam A. Inside A Poet's Heart
Skanes, Josie Little Milia Goes to the Library
Smith, Annie Laura Twilight of Honor
Smith, Christy Forever And Always
Starnes, Greg Hollers From the Hollers
Stewart, Don Past Medical History
Strickland, Amy Leigh Rescue OR, Royer Goldhawk's Remarkable Journal
Stickland, Carly Mothership Goose
Sunday, Dr. Renee' Sunday Grief, M.D.
Thomas, Marian L. Aqua Blue
Thompson, Tana Why Dogs Are
Utz, Karen R. Iron & Steel: A Guide to Birmingham Area Industrial
Heritage Sites
Vincent, Jill Dill Inspirational Poems
Ward, Cynthia R. God Hears Me
Watson, Alberta Anger Let It Go
Watson, Rick Life Happens
Weeks, J. D. Premocar Made in Birmingham
Whitfield, Andrea
Wilkerson, Dr. Robert G. Lost America: What Caring Americans Need to
Williams, Phyllis D. Morse Taekwondo Cookbook
Williams, Sharon The ABCs of Real Beauty
Williamson, Larry Legend of the Tallassee Carbine
Wilson, Tracy Idolum
Windham, Annquenette Bible Revival for "A More Excellent Ministry"
Wines, Michael P. Stupid Alabama
Woods, Larna Living in the Spirit of God
Woods, Takisha Davis Sister to Sister: My Love Letter To You
Worthy, Shae Martin Reuniting Secrets
Books A Million
Christian Love Books, LLC
PDMI Publishing
The Local Authors Expo is
presented by the Friends
of the Birmingham Public Library, a nonprofit association that
supports Birmingham Public Library special needs by providing
volunteer and financial resources.