Author Registration
Thank you to everyone
for a successful event.
The annual Local Authors Expo held
at the Central Library is
expected to showcase up to 100 Alabama authors, including many
from the Birmingham area. This year's free event will be held on Saturday, February
2, between 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Authors will be on hand to discuss their
work, sell and autograph their books, and talk about their writing process.
This year's event will feature
two speakers.
Carolyn Maull McKinstry is the
author of While the World Watched: A Birmingham Bombing Survivor Comes
of Age During the Civil Rights Movement, a poignant and gripping
eyewitness account of what it was like to grow up in the Jim Crow South. Her
book covers everything from the the bombings, riots, and assassinations to the historic marches and
triumphs that characterized the civil rights era. Fourteen-year-old Carolyn McKinstry was just a few feet away
from a bomb, which had been planted by the Ku Klux Klan, before it exploded
at Sixteenth Street Baptist Church in September 1963. Four girls were
killed. In her book, she shares how racial relations have evolved over the
past five decades and gives an incredible testament to how far we've come, and how
far we have yet to go. McKinstry will speak at 1 p.m. in the Arrington
BPL librarian and author Jared
Millet will present a workshop for aspiring
writers titled Show, Don't Tell: How to Breathe Life Into Your Writing. "Show,
don't tell" is the most common piece of advice that beginning writers get
from professionals, teachers, and industry insiders. Millet will clarify what "show, don't tell" actually means and
demonstrate how to use writing to give readers a strong emotional
experience. The workshop begins at 10:30 a.m. in the Arrington Auditorium.
Authors who wish to sign up for a booth at the event
may do so online at the
EventBrite registration page. There is a $5 booth reservation fee for participating
authors, but attending the Expo is free for the general public, no
registration required. For more information, contact Jared Millet at (205)
226-3727 or jaredm@bham.lib.al.us.
Local Authors Expo
February 2, 2013
10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Central Library - 1st Floor
Writing Seminar
Show, Don't Tell: How to Breathe Life Into Your Writing
February 2, 2013
10:30 - 11:30 a.m.
Central Library - Arrington Auditorium
Carolyn Maull McKinstry, Author
While the World Watched: A Birmingham Bombing Survivor Comes of Age
During the Civil Rights Movement
February 2, 2013
1:00 - 2:00 p.m.
Central Library - Arrington Auditorium
2013 Authors
@ Liberty to Speak Hearing the Word with a Spiritual Ear
Daven Anderson Vampire Syndrome
Frederick J. Arceneaux
Vanessa A. Jackson Austin Cries in the Wind: God's Answer
Kamenka Belton Laying at the Altar: The Ultimate Solution for Healing Sexual Trauma
Birmingham Historical Society A Walk to Freedom: The Reverend Fred
Shuttlesworth and the Alabama Christian Movement for Human Rights
Scott Blasingame The Warrior-Son
Elizabeth Bolte
Mike Bolton The Ultimate Guide to Alabama Fishing
Latonska Boswell
Jeanetta Britt W.O.O.F.: Women of Overcoming Faith
Joyce E. Brooks Self-Inflicted Overoad: Five Steps to Achieving
Work-Life Balance and Becoming Your Very Best
Tahiera Brown
Jo Ann Brown Fat Tuesday: A Book About Mardi Gras
A. Bryant
Douglas Carpenter A Powerful Blessing
Harry Chambers
Gregory L. Clarke Light Will Make Rats Run
Rita Collins
Jessie Crawford The Leroy series of children’s books
Dr. Roderick Van Daniel Notebook of Faith
Doris Davenport
Takisha Davis-Woods
Elizabeth Diaz
Enrique Diaz
Nikia M. Dillon Zodiac Attack
Dionne Edwards Old Fashioned Recipes...Shared with Friends and Family
Jennifer Echols Endless Summer
Alberta Felder
We've Come This Far by Faith
Shirley Roland Ferguson Birth Cry: A Personal Story of Hannah D.
Mitchell, Nurse Midwife
Nate Fortner
Mary V. Freeman
Steve Gierhart

Debra Glass Eternal
Sandra Gomez
Sybil Green
Vanessa Davis Griggs The Other Side of Dare
Emily Guido Charmeine
Mark Hart
Fielder's Choice
Askhari Johnson Hodari Lifelines: The Black Book of Proverbs
Hans Hooks
Minister Thelma Howton Girl, Move On With Your Life
Terry Howton
Rosanna Ingram
DeLois Jackson Faith: My Walking Cane to Glory
Raymond Jackson
W. L. Jackson The Reason I Go Forward
Jennifer James
Jessie Jones Old Fashioned Recipes for the Soul, Your Health, Comfort and Romance
Tommy Jones
Tracy Kauffman
William F. Kelly Dangerous Passage
Deborah Brooks Langford Brooke
Helen Shores Lee The Gentle Giant of Dynamite Hill: The Untold Story of Arthur Shores and
His Family’s Fight for Civil Rights
Jacqueline Lewis
Creola Lucas
Carolyn Maull McKinstry While the World Watched: A Birmingham Bombing Survivor Comes of
Age During the Civil Rights Movement
Consuelia R. Diggs Michael Movin’ Mountains
LaQuita Middleton-Holmes
Nappyminded Ideology
Jared Millet Summer Gothic: A Collection of Southern Hauntings
Jessie Miller
Shirley W. Mitchell
Mary Murphy
Adrienne Yvonne Norton The Eleventh Voice
Stephanie Osborn StarSong
Jack Owens Don’t Shoot, We’re Republicans!
Richard Cary Phillips The Answer to the Propulsion of Flying Saucers
Christy Reece Sweet Reward 
Debra Eubanks Riffe Holding the Line
Elma Robinson The Untold Chronicles of a School Teacher
Myra Rutledge
Doug Segrest A Storm Came Up
Toni Shealey Lost and Turned Out
Beth Shelnutt A Life Between Light and Darkness
James Shelnutt
Carrol Short
Dr. Akeam Simmons Jailhouse Grace
Annie Laura Smith
Helen P. Smith Why Be Ordinary? When You Can Be Extraordinary!!
Sherri Graves Smith Big Al's Game Day Rules
Karl Heinz Strick Boy With a White Flag
Amy Leigh Strickland The Olympia Heights series
Kyle & Carly Strickland Sunshine's Night Out
Brandan Stuckey
Carla Swafford Circle of Deception
Marie Sutton
Gigi Talley
Dwayne Thompson Real Talk
Melinda Rainey Thompson I Love You – Now Hush
Skip Tucker Pale Blue Light
Clarence Watkins Baseball in Birmingham
Rick Watson Life Happens
J.D. Weeks Birmingham: Then and Now
Andrea Billingsly Whitfield What's the Black Alphabet?
Phyllis Williams
Larry Williamson Tallapoosa
Shae MartinTasha Worthy Without Parental Consent
Barnett Wright 1963: How the Birmingham Civil Rights Movement Changed
America and the World
PDMI Publishing
The Local Authors Expo is presented
by the Friends of the Birmingham
Public Library, a nonprofit association that supports Birmingham Public
Library special needs by providing volunteer and financial resources.