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Oak Hill Memorial Cemetery Interments  
About this Database
In 1871 the City of Birmingham purchased from the Elyton Land Company 21.5 acres of land (map) for a city cemetery (later named Oak Hill). The deed was issued December 29, 1873. As the first city cemetery, Oak Hill became the resting place for virtually all of the Birmingham pioneers. Although the majority of burials at Oak Hill Cemetery date back before the 1930's, it remains an active cemetery, averaging fifteen burials per year.
Oak Hill Cemetery has been placed on the Alabama Register of Landmarks and Heritage. Oak Hill Cemetery was also placed on the National Register of Historic Places on July 13, 1977. It was the first cemetery in the State of Alabama to be listed on this prestigious register.
The Oak Hill Cemetery interments database lists records found in the Oak Hill Cemetery interments books. The Oak Hill Memorial Association compiled the database from the interment records maintained at the cemetery.
Please direct inquiries to Stuart Oates at the Oak Hill Memorial Cemetery.
Tips on Searching
  • Starts With - search by the first letter or letters of a name
  • Contains - search for a letter or letters anywhere in the name
  • Is Exactly - search a name exactly as spelled
The cemetery map can be used to identify the locations of the blocks
Database Coverage (as of Feb 22, 2025)
Years Indexed: 1111 - 2014 (Some records are not dated)
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