Birmingham Public Library
BPL's Guidelines on Web Accessibility

The Birmingham Public Library (BPL) is committed to providing accurate and accessible web materials in a timely manner to all users. Every reasonable effort will be made to provide these materials in formats that can be accessed by people with disabilities.

The Library has determined that attaining all three World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) priority levels represents the ideal in web accessibility and has decided that a staged implementation will be the most effective way to achieve compliance.

As part of this staged implementation:

  • Priority 1 has been adopted as an appropriate minimum benchmark for implementation by the end of 2005.
  • The Library will aim to meet Priority 2 by 31 January 2007.
  • In order to meet Priority 3, the Library will review the implementation of Priority 1 and 2 during 2007 and decide on an appropriate timetable for implementation.
  • The Library aims to have full compliance by 2012.

During the implementation process, staff will be actively encouraged to create web materials that meet all three Priorities.

Consequently, the strategy adopted by the Online Accessibility Action Plan is to:

  • ensure that all new information in the and other Library operated domains conforms to the W3C guidelines by an agreed deadline
  • monitor accessibility for patrons and staff with disabilities and address issues as soon as practicable after they arise
  • work towards bringing pre-existing material to Priority 1 and beyond as appropriate
  • utilize the W3C guidelines for Authoring Tool Accessibility to develop authoring tools appropriate for BPL.
Online Accessibility Action Plan - Introduction

This Action Plan demonstrates the Birmingham Public Library's commitment to develop its website in an effective and accessible manner.

The Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) sponsored by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) has developed the international standards for web access. These guidelines have been widely adopted in the international arena.

This Action Plan covers all websites within the domain, and other domains that the Library owns and/or operates

Objectives and strategies
  • Objective 1:
    That all new corporate online information in the domain conforms to the WAI guidelines
  • Objective 2:
    That all staff are aware of the Library's web accessibility guidelines
  • Objective 3:
    That all staff with web responsibilities will be able to implement the Library's web accessibility guidelines.
  • Objective 4:
    To ensure that periodic evaluations of the implementation of the plan are conducted and appropriate actions taken.
  • Objective 5:
    To ensure that the Library's commitment to online accessibility and the Action Plan is promoted throughout the Library and the wider community.
Online Accessibility Action Plan
Objectives and strategies - Objective 1

That all new corporate online information in the domain conforms to WAI guidelines

Strategies Performance indicators Responsibilities Timeline
1.1 All material created after 1 August 2005 will be compliant with WAI guidelines Priority 1. Compliance to current WAI guidelines is achieved Web Managers 1 August 2005
1.2 All material created after 1 January 2007 will be compliant with WAI guidelines Priority 2 Compliance to current WAI guidelines is achieved Web Managers 1 January 2007
1.3 All new and converted sites will be checked for accessibility as part of their (re)development All new and converted sites are accessible Web Authors September 2005
1.4 The BPL homepage and any sites identified as being inaccessible by a patron or staff member with disabilities will be made accessibility compliant in a timely manner Identified sites comply Web Authors 1 July 2007
Objective and strategies - Objective 2

That all staff are aware of the Library's web accessibility guidelines.

Strategies Performance indicators Responsibilities Timeline
2.1 Distribute guidelines to web authors Guidelines distributed Web Managers September 2005
2.2 Guidelines to be included in BPL policies and procedure dealing with online environment Amendments to relevant policies and procedures Online Accessibility Management Committee September 2005
Objective and strategies - Objective 3

That all staff with web responsibilities can implement the Library's web accessibility guidelines.

Strategies Performance indicators Responsibilities Timeline
3.1 Training programs for web authors are available and include detailed information on web accessibility Training available Online Accessibility Management Committee April 2006
3.2 Web authors are trained to ensure compliance with guidelines. Software be made available to authors to enable development Training plan is documented. Resources for training identified Online Accessibility Management Committee Ongoing
3.3 Helpdesk staff are trained to recognise accessibility issues as identifiied by user complaints, requests and questions Training conducted Online Accessibility Management Committee April 2006
3.4 Online resource provided which educates staff in the development of accessible online material Online resource available Online Accessibility Management Committee April 2006
Objective and strategies - Objective 4

To ensure that the Library's commitment to online accessibility and the Action Plan is promoted throughout the Library and the wider community.

Strategies Performance indicators Responsibilities Timeline
4.1 A copy of the Online Accessibility Action Plan will be placed on the BPL website The Plan is available on the BPL website Web Managers September


4.2 The Online Accessibility Plan is available in alternative formats if required Copies of the plan are available in an appropriate alternative format upon request Online Accessibility Management Committee Ongoing
Objectives and strategies - Objective 5

To ensure that periodic evaluations of the implementation plan are conducted and appropriate actions taken

Strategies Performance indicators Responsibilities Timeline
5.1 Action Plan is reviewed and amended as appropriate Amendments made as required Online Accessibility Management Committee Ongoing
5.2 Report on the progress of the Action Plan Report completed Online Accessibility Management Committee Annually
5.3 Develop appropriate evaluation processes to ensure compliance is being achieved Tools and/or evaluation processes developed to monitor compliance. Online Accessibility Management Committee April 2006
Page Last Modified: 1/21/2014 12:20 PM